BUY MY BOOKS | HOME | FICTION | ESSAYS | ON-LINE DIARY | MARGINALIA | GALLERY | INTERACTIVE FEATURES | FAQ | SEARCH ENGINE | LINKS | CONTACT the official website for the writings of contents copyright © 1998-2021 by ralph robert moore, all rights reserved ![]() |
history introduction
1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 Being a webmaster is hard work. It's a lot of fun, but there's a lot of tedium to it too, cutting and pasting code to make sure the style of your site remains the same page to page, going through a deep screen of HTML line by line to discover why all your text is suddenly appearing in bold. Over the years, SENTENCE has had a lot of different looks. When I first started the site, I knew nothing about tables, and so visitors had to read wide, wide lines of type, hard enough to do on paper, but even more of an endurance contest with a monitor. A number of webmasters give different version numbers to their sites, much like software manufacturers, so I suppose I'd call the tableless format of SENTENCE Version 1.0. Once I did discover tables, I redid SENTENCE so that each page contained two tables, one on the left, occupying 33% of the screen, for navigational links, and a table on the right, taking up the remaining 67%, for content. I was using tiled background images back then, so the text for the different major pages of SENTENCE was in bolded white. We'll call that Version 2.0. In mid-2002, I removed all the tiled background images from SENTENCE, which allowed me to present each page with black type on a white background, which I thought would be easier for visitors to read. I consider that change to be Version 2.1. In early 2003, I restructured all of SENTENCE, so that the content pages could be accessed from a small number of "super pages". That's Version 2.2. (What would constitute Version 3.0? To me, that would be if, for example, I turned SENTENCE into a Flash site). HISTORY records all the additions and changes I've made to SENTENCE over the years. When new features were added, when I joined different webrings, when I posted a new content page. I think this page, which is kind of a back stage page, would be of limited interest to most visitors, but it does get a lot of hits, so I suppose some of you out there are interested in knowing how SENTENCE evolved over the years. Sometimes I scroll down the page myself, revisiting all the work I've put into the site over the years. history 2023
January 1, 2023: LATELY updated: How to Make the Perfect Reubens Sandwich October 1, 2023: LATELY updated: These Were the Angels history 2022
February 1, 2022: LATELY updated: Welcome to the Juke April 1, 2022: LATELY updated: The Unresolved Problems Associated With Monkey Substitutions That May Not In Fact Have A Satisfactory Solution, And Especially So In Terms Of Healthcare Fraud August 1, 2022: LATELY updated: The Heartbeat of a New Disappointment November 1, 2022: LATELY updated: Sandwiches Are Important history 2021
January 1, 2021: LATELY updated: My Five Beverages March 29, 2021: All 22 columns of 'Into the Woods', previously appearing in Black Static, have been uploaded to SENTENCE April 9, 2021: LATELY updated: Pissing for Mary, Pissing for Myself August 1, 2021: LATELY updated: Cat Shit history 2020
January 1, 2020: LATELY updated: 2019. April 1, 2020: LATELY updated: And After That? October 1, 2020: LATELY updated: Two Forty-Pound Bags of Kitty Litter history 2019
January 1, 2019: LATELY updated: 2018. January 22, 2019: The Actor Crossovers Project expanded to add single appearances through The Office. April 1, 2019: LATELY updated: As If Clouds Were Elephants. August 1, 2019: LATELY updated: Donald Barthelme: RRM Remix. history 2018
January 1, 2018: LATELY updated: For Now These Many Decades. April 1, 2018: LATELY updated: Home Repairs Are Like Zombies. June 1, 2018: LATELY updated: It Can't Be Easy Being An Actor. July 10, 2018: The Actor Crossovers Project added to Marginalia. August 1, 2018: LATELY updated: How Americans Pronounce 'Route'. December 1, 2018: LATELY updated: The Well-Dressed One. history2017
January 1, 2017: LATELY updated: Life Tip 516c. February 1, 2017: LATELY updated: The Next Mother. July 1, 2017: LATELY updated: Tiny as Quotation Marks. August 1, 2017: LATELY updated: My Seven Cousins. November 1, 2017: LATELY updated: Like A Drummer. December 1, 2017: LATELY updated: God's Indifferent Eye Is Such An Encouragement. history 2016
January 1, 2016: LATELY updated: Because It Never Existed. February 1, 2016: LATELY updated: To Protect The Ones I Love. March 1, 2016: LATELY updated: What Makes Us Happy, What Do We Return To? April 1, 2016: LATELY updated: Like They're Colors. May 1, 2016: LATELY updated: My Many Murders. June 1, 2016: LATELY updated: And I Will Be So Happy. July 1, 2016: LATELY updated: But Would You Agree It's Also Kind of Hilarious? August 1, 2016: LATELY updated: Just A Shell I Left Behind Some Bushes. September 1, 2016: LATELY updated: To Spray Water Down Like Applause. November 1, 2016: LATELY updated: You Can Never Spit It All Out. history 2015
February 1, 2015: LATELY updated: Revived and Presentable. March 1, 2015: LATELY updated: Your Body Is A Hotel. April 1, 2015: LATELY updated: Mashed Potatoes. May 1, 2015: LATELY updated: Cat-strated. July 1, 2015: LATELY updated: New, Expanded Edition of Father Figure. August 1, 2015: LATELY updated: Dark and Anonymous. September 1, 2015: LATELY updated: Featureless Horizon. October 1, 2015: LATELY updated: EAP: RRM remix. November 1, 2015: LATELY updated: Waiting Redux. history 2014
January 1, 2014: LATELY updated: The Kindness of Enemies. February 1, 2014: LATELY updated: Sometimes You Don't Solve. March 1, 2014: LATELY updated: Turtles in the Attic (Again). May 26, 2014: STROKE INFORMATION PAGE updated: Common Diagnostic Tests Performed at the Hospital Following a Stroke. June 1, 2014: LATELY updated: Imperfection. July 1, 2014: LATELY updated: I'm Jessica Lange. July 3, 2014: INTERVIEWS updated: 3 Things I Don't Write; 3 Things I Do Write. August 1, 2014: LATELY updated: You're No Longer the Cure. September 1, 2014: LATELY updated: Run That Red Light. October 1, 2014: LATELY updated: I Am Waiting. November 1, 2014: LATELY updated: Ghosters. December 1, 2014: LATELY updated: Like They Do In Movies. history 2013
January 1, 2013: LATELY updated: Like God Looking Down Into Our Day. February 1, 2013: LATELY updated: Rolling In Place. March 1, 2013: LATELY updated: As Dead As Me. May 1, 2013: LATELY updated: And There's No Wall. June 1, 2013: LATELY updated: When You're Young, You're Kind. June 6, 2013: Added video of Joe talking about his time in Algeria to GALLERY. July 1, 2013: LATELY updated: Maybe Sometimes Owning A Tuxedo Makes A Difference. August 1, 2013: LATELY updated: We Survive in Quotes. September 1, 2013: LATELY updated: I Have Probably Eaten Thousands. October 1, 2013: LATELY updated: Dramatic Drum Roll. November 1, 2013: LATELY updated: All The Demons Retreat To The Restroom. history 2012
January 1, 2012: LATELY updated: Both With Firm Handshakes. February 1, 2012: LATELY updated: Conscious Of The Clock. March 1, 2012: LATELY updated: How I Do It. April 1, 2012: LATELY updated: "Did You Ever, In Your Wildest Imagination...?" April 5, 2012: GALLERY updated with all currently existing videos by me: Book promotion videos, Video Latelys, The Rob and Mary Show - The Movie excerpts, outtakes from JOE documentary, and first video I ever uploaded to YouTube. May 1, 2012: LATELY updated: The City Was Destroyed. May 18, 2012: FICTION updated: Added links to the Midnight Street site for the stories "Suddenly the Sun Appeared" and "They Hide in Tomatoes". June 1, 2012: LATELY updated: Unfortunately. June 9, 2012: Interviews added to MARGINALIA. July 1, 2012: LATELY updated: I Get a Colonoscopy. August 1, 2012: LATELY updated: Until The Cows Come Home And Get Turned Into Cheeseburgers. September 1, 2012: LATELY updated: "Have You Heard?". October 1, 2012: LATELY updated: 55 Questions. November 1, 2012: LATELY updated: Probably Not Too Far Away. December 1, 2012: LATELY updated: A Peach That Will Bring You To Dreams. history2011
January 1, 2011: LATELY updated: It's Possible To Be Polite, And Still Be Rude. 80 minute documentary, JOE, added to Gallery. February 1, 2011: LATELY updated: I Smell Blood. March 1, 2011: LATELY updated: Better Living Through Water Vapor. April 1, 2011: LATELY updated: No Sun Inside My Chest Or Skull. May 1, 2011: LATELY updated: Eat Them When They Want To Be Eaten. June 1, 2011: LATELY updated: South of the Border. South of the Border, edited, also added to the ESSAYS/Friends Before Food page. July 1, 2011: LATELY updated: It Was Just Really Odd. August 1, 2011: LATELY updated: Pinkly Lick Up. September 1, 2011: LATELY updated: Note. October 1, 2011: LATELY updated: As If We Were Timing It Like Thunder. November 1, 2011: LATELY updated: All Our Ghosts Were Gone. December 1, 2011: LATELY updated: That's The Way Cats Work. history2010
January 1, 2010: LATELY updated: How To Say Goodbye. February 1, 2010: LATELY updated: How I Move My Head. First Video Lately. March 1, 2010: LATELY updated: Blinding Whiteness On The Ground. April 1, 2010: LATELY updated: Water Sustains Life, But Destroys Everything Else. May 1, 2010: LATELY updated: Things I Think Of While I Try To Fall Asleep. June 1, 2010: LATELY updated: Usually, It's A Prank. July 1, 2010: LATELY updated: Shooting Chicken. August 1, 2010: LATELY updated: As So Often Happens. September 1, 2010: LATELY updated: Note. October 1, 2010: LATELY updated: The Big Fingers. November 1, 2010: LATELY updated: Little Birds. December 1, 2010: LATELY updated: Rest In Joy. history2009
December 18, 2009: Let Him In Youtube video added to Gallery page. December 1, 2009: LATELY updated: Waving Our Arms Under The White Sky. November 1, 2009: LATELY updated: It Safely Stays A Mystery. October 1, 2009: LATELY updated: Out Into The Birds And Heat And Insect Noise. September 17, 2009: In the Fiction section added This Moment of Brilliance, When the Big One Thaws, Strangers Wear Masks of Your Face, Truth Be Told, Rump-a-Thump and Grappling with Urine. Removed Despair at McDonald's and When You Surfaced. September 1, 2009: LATELY updated: Our Small Large World Without Answers. June 3, 2009: Added SENTENCE Publishing. Bibliography updated (added sale of In the Tunnels of the Agogs). June 1, 2009: LATELY updated: Remove the Eyes. May 22, 2009: Added Billie Walter's earliest memory. May 18, 2009: Added Remove the Eyes to Buy My Books page. May 13, 2009: Bibliography updated (added Remove the Eyes). May 1, 2009: LATELY updated: It Was A Lot Of Fun Knocking On All Those Doors. April 1, 2009: LATELY updated: Too Bad You Can't Sell It As A Sandwich. March 1, 2009: LATELY updated: Our Love Is Everywhere We've Been. February 11, 2009: Jason Mcaloon's typographical interpretation of the opening page of Father Figure added to FICTION and BUY MY BOOKS. February 1, 2009: LATELY updated: Maybe We Won't Find It Funny Anymore. January 14, 2009: Jason Mcaloon's poster of Fear essay added to Essays.
January 1, 2009: LATELY updated: The Tunnel to Taste God. history2008
December 1, 2008: LATELY updated: Like Chocolate Milkshake. November 1, 2008: LATELY updated: More Precious Than Diamonds or Silver or Gold. October 27, 2008: A link added to the Fiction page to access the full text of my 15,000 word novelette Strangers Wear Masks of Your Face (located off-site). October 1, 2008: LATELY updated: The Seventh Styrofoam Bowl. September 1, 2008: LATELY updated: HBO Switches to Toned-Down Versions of Sopranos, Six Feet Under and Curb Your Enthusiasm. August 1, 2008: LATELY updated: That Scary Emptiness We Always Knew Was There. July 1, 2008: LATELY updated: "I'm Taking Care Of It Now." June 1, 2008: LATELY updated: Some People Are Afraid to Bring Their Ribs to Memphis. May 1, 2008: LATELY updated: The Middle Stays Raw. April 1, 2008: LATELY updated: The Safety of Shadows. March 1, 2008: LATELY updated: Dead Flies Floating Past Ice Cubes. February 1, 2008: LATELY updated: Confessions of a Male Model. January 1, 2008: LATELY updated: In the Details. history2007
December 1, 2007: LATELY updated: I Was Fascinated by How Tall the Sandwich Was; Mommy Food added to Essays/Friends Before Food. November 1, 2007: LATELY updated: On the Best of Days. October 1, 2007: LATELY updated: Let the World Leak. September 20, 2007: Added bibliography page to Marginalia section. September 19, 2007: Redid Fiction page. September 1, 2007: LATELY updated: Not Netflixable. August 1, 2007: LATELY updated: Please Press One. July 1, 2007: LATELY updated: By the Birds. June 1, 2007: LATELY updated: The World Again. May 1, 2007: LATELY updated: The Sky Is Going to Kill People Today. April 1, 2007: LATELY updated: Pointless Africa. March 1, 2007: LATELY updated: The Two Futures. February 1, 2007: LATELY updated: A Lot of Better Sentences Died During Those Years. January 1, 2007: LATELY updated: Humble as a Bumblebee. history2006
December 1, 2006: LATELY updated: Something Once So Wild. November 3, 2006: Added My Favorite Movies to Links page. November 1, 2006: LATELY updated: I've Never Seen an Empty One. October 1, 2006: LATELY updated: But a Boy. September 5, 2006: Eugene Kaufmann's earliest memory added. September 1, 2006: LATELY updated: Is That Water Ever Going to Boil August 1, 2006: LATELY updated: "We Are Required to Ask, Sir" July 1, 2006: LATELY updated: Some Thoughts on 'The Sopranos' June 1, 2006: LATELY updated: Do You Ever Do That? May 17, 2006: Added Donn Coburn's rewrites of Stephen King and Dean Koontz. May 1, 2006: LATELY updated: She Brightened. April 18, 2006: Jansie Blom's earliest memory added. April 1, 2006: LATELY updated: But Not Here. March 1, 2006: LATELY updated: The Past is in the Sky. February 27, 2006: Posted Peter Lavitt's rewrite to King for a Day. February 1, 2006: LATELY updated: Years Before I Arrived. Complete text of Father Figure made available for free as a PDF download. January 1, 2006: LATELY updated: Crash history2005
December 1, 2005: LATELY updated: Be in Snow November 1, 2005: LATELY updated: Brewing Coffee For a Firehouse October 1, 2005: LATELY updated: Like the Ghosts They Became September 1, 2005: LATELY updated: Rob the King is Naked August 1, 2005: LATELY updated: Cow Appreciation Day July 1, 2005: LATELY updated: What Waterfalls We'll Wash Under June 1, 2005: LATELY updated: Our Raven is Red May 6, 2005: Cincinnati Stroke Scale (FAST) added to Stroke Information page May 1, 2005: LATELY updated: Sometimes Even Better Than Sex April 1, 2005: LATELY updated: Ready to Slap You Awake March 1, 2005: LATELY updated: This is the World of Prayer February 1, 2005: LATELY updated: Bones Bleed January 1, 2005: LATELY updated: "There's My Rainbow!" history2004
December 1, 2004: LATELY updated: Floored. November 1, 2004: LATELY updated: Listen to the Banjos in the Sky. October 1, 2004: LATELY updated: The Future is Orange. September 1, 2004: LATELY updated: Thunder, or Trucks? August 1, 2004: LATELY updated: "Look At This!" July 1, 2004: LATELY updated: As If Surfing. June 1, 2004: LATELY updated: Born Between Fire. May 6, 2004: The Most Important Meal of the Day added to Essays - Friends Before Food. May 1, 2004: LATELY updated: The Sword Gets Shorter Over the Years. April 13, 2004: Uploaded PDF print files for Zombie Betrayal, Despair at McDonald's and Red Boat. March 31, 2004: LATELY updated: There's Always a Line. March 28, 2004: Sex on Sheets, Beaten Up by Girls, Daddy's Glad Hands and When You Surfaced made available as PDF files. March 25, 2004: Steak and Pepper Sandwich added to Essays/Friends Before Food. March 1, 2004: LATELY updated: The Most Precious, Which We Cannot Hold. February 1, 2004: LATELY updated: I Don't Want to be a Wineglass; two photographs added: Lady and Snowy Rooftops. January 5, 2004: LATELY updated: We've Always Been Sitting Out Here. history2003
December 1, 2003: LATELY updated: I Should Be So Lucky. November 22, 2003: Bennigan's, Must Be Heaven and Romano's Macaroni Grill added to Dallas Restaurant Reviews; Aphasia Lessons Version 1.0 created. November 15, 2003: LATELY updated: Unfamiliar Men; Lately switches from a weekly to a monthly schedule. November 8, 2003: LATELY updated: Like Waves Crashing. October 25, 2003: LATELY updated: "No, But I Do Have a Turkey"; essay Space added. October 18, 2003: LATELY updated: Her Heart; Stroke Information page added. October 11, 2003: LATELY updated: The Tragedy of Very Expensive Scrambled Eggs. October 4, 2003: LATELY updated: Discovered by Dogs. September 27, 2003: LATELY updated: If Actresses Were Lamps. September 20, 2003: LATELY updated: Fear of 2.3 Robs. September 13, 2003: LATELY updated: Me So Tired. September 6, 2003: LATELY updated: Nothing So Cool as a Twelve-Foot Stepladder. August 30, 2003: LATELY updated: 1,127,347 Words; Three pictures added to SENTENCE Photographs: Ghosts. August 23, 2003: LATELY updated: Sometimes I Feel Like I'm Living in a Low Budget Science Fiction Movie. August 16, 2003: LATELY updated: Do Insects Have Names for Each Other?; added The Maddox Family Guestbook. August 9, 2003: LATELY updated: New Uses for Fruitcake. August 2, 2003: LATELY updated: The Shape Keeps Changing. July 26, 2003: LATELY updated: A Wonder to the Whole Fucking World. July 19, 2003: LATELY updated: A Belief in Magic; restaurant reviews added for Salt Grass Steak House and Pei Mei. July 12, 2003: LATELY updated: Folded Dollars in his Donated Clothes. July 5, 2003: LATELY updated: The Tiniest Green Bell Pepper in the World. June 28, 2003: LATELY updated: Handcuffs for Babies. June 21, 2003: LATELY updated: All I Need to Remember. June 14, 2003: LATELY updated: A Diamond's Plumbing; Guestbook changed to Guestbook World June 7, 2003: LATELY updated: How Many People Are in My Mouth? May 17, 2003: LATELY updated: Burglars in Black Clothes I Have to Throw Chairs At. May 10, 2003: LATELY updated: One of Our Finest Accomplishments. May 3, 2003: LATELY updated: Always That Mix. April 26, 2003: LATELY updated: The 'RG' Factor. April 19, 2003: LATELY updated: That Solid Touch of Flesh and Bone; restaurant reviews added for Gennie's Bishop Street Grill, Mercado Juarez, eatZi's. April 12, 2003: LATELY updated: Nostalgic for Bad Weather. April 5, 2003: LATELY updated: In Memorium: Rudo (1990 - 2003). March 29, 2003: LATELY updated: Such A Normal Thing To Do. All individual essay pages updated with new design. March 22, 2003: LATELY updated: Then The Old People Started Throwing Up. All individual fiction pages updated with new design. March 15, 2003: LATELY updated: That Page, That Cat, That Date. Site revamped to allow access to all files through twelve major pages. March 8, 2003: LATELY updated: Small, Glass Ghosts. March 1, 2003: LATELY updated: The Only Diaphragm Approved By God. February 22, 2003: LATELY updated: "They Wouldn't Know What To Do." February 8, 2003: LATELY updated: The Springy Plastic Of Their Stitches; wav file of Lady in heat. February 1, 2003: LATELY updated: Waving Over Her Head A Ruler. January 25, 2003: LATELY updated: SENTENCE Statistics for 2002. January 18, 2003: LATELY updated: Just One More Square On The Calendar. January 11, 2003: LATELY updated: Calling When No One Is There. history2002
December 14, 2002: LATELY updated: And Then Made That Wall Be Heaven. December 7, 2002: LATELY updated: Hands Grasping Air For The Ropes Of Church Bells. November 30, 2002: LATELY updated: Like A Flying Saucer That Smells Really Good. Cat Head Remix added to HOLLOW. November 23, 2002: LATELY updated: Hot Aluminum Tubs Full Of Turkey. November 16, 2002: LATELY updated: No One Was Impressed; Robin Mercer Snead's rewrite added to EVERY MAN A KING. Novemer 9, 2002: LATELY updated: We Will Never, Ever Know All That Our Parents Did For Us. November 2, 2002: LATELY updated: Let's Twist. October 26, 2002: LATELY updated: This Glorious Week Of Laziness; Maddox Family Home Page added; section two of Part One of autobiography added; first three articles for Our World Is A Word added (The Problem with Pronouns; When 'Like' Is Not Likeable; Keeping Your Sentences That-Free). October 19, 2002: LATELY updated: Machine Happenstance. October 12, 2002: LATELY updated: The Colors of LIfe. October 5, 2002: LATELY updated: In Any Event. ANTARCTICA added (14 articles). September 28, 2002: LATELY updated: Familiar Phantom. Binoculars added to SENTENCE Photographs, Series VI. September 21, 2002: LATELY updated: Like The Invisible Man's Bandaged Head. September 14, 2002: LATELY updated: We're Buying A New Blouse. Pornography and Martial Arts Movies added to ESSAYS. September 7, 2002: LATELY updated: I See Like Superman. August 31, 2002: LATELY updated: Arnie Maddox: Date Supplies. August 24, 2002: LATELY updated: Arnie Maddox: Not An Easy Thing To Do. August 17, 2002: LATELY updated: Arnie Maddox: Who Am I? Gabrielle Nowicki's painting "Distance", inspired by my short story When The Big One Thaws, added to the When The Big One Thaws page. PDF files added for Big Inches, The Rape, Visibility and When The Big One Thaws, to offer an improved print version of each story. August 10, 2002: LATELY updated: Arnie Maddox: Beef Stroganoff. August 3, 2002: LATELY updated: Arnie Maddox: The Crying Squirrel. July 27, 2002: LATELY updated: Arnie Maddox: A Little Bit About Me. July 20, 2002: LATELY updated: Biggest, Scariest, Drained. July 13, 2002: LATELY updated: Fun With Our Bodies. July 6, 2002: LATELY updated: Picture of Mary. June 29, 2002: LATELY updated: More Popular Than Real Huge Boobs. June 22, 2002: LATELY updated: Pedaling Towards Good Health. June 15, 2002: LATELY updated: Someday. June 8, 2002: LATELY updated: "I Want To Make My Movie." June 1, 2002: LATELY updated: very caution. May 4, 2002: LATELY updated: Update. April 20, 2002: LATELY updated: Note. April 13, 2002: LATELY updated: "They're Sending A 28,000 Pound Burger To The International Space Station!" April 6, 2002: LATELY updated: The Most Romantic Notion In The World. March 30, 2002: LATELY updated: Unbelievable. March 23, 2002: LATELY updated: The Drizzle Outside The Windows That Goes On For Hours. March 16, 2002: LATELY updated: As Tightly Fisted As A Magician's Hand Just Before The Magic. Sea Scallops in Cream Sauce added to Friends Before Food. March 9, 2002: LATELY updated: Mad Dog Weed, Skull Cap, Dong Quai. Shanna Milutin's rewrite added to EVERY MAN A KING. March 2, 2002: LATELY updated: Every One Of Them With Shopping Carts. Amarendran's rewrite added to EVERY WOMAN A KOONTZ. Paul's Porterhouse reviewed in DALLAS RESTAURANTS. February 23, 2002: LATELY updated: If We Could Just Step Back. New photo of Mary substituted for old one in SENTENCE Photographs. Mi Cocina reviewed for DALLAS RESTAURANTS. Amarendran's rewrite added to EVERY CHILD A BARKER. February 12, 2002: Watch Me Age section added to SENTENCE Photographs. February 5, 2002: SENTENCE Photographs, Series VI added (3 photographs); new WAV files uploaded for Always Again, Father Figure, Kid. January 26, 2002: LATELY updated: What If God Is Stupid? January 25, 2002: SENTENCE Photographs, Series I redone, three pictures dropped, six pictures added. January 19, 2002: LATELY updated: When Dancers Are Farthest Apart; SENTENCE Photographs, Series III, redone as eleven photographs of our cats; Series IV redone as eleven portraits, three pictures of Joe dropped. January 12, 2002: LATELY updated: We Continue To Struggle With Machines. January 5, 2002: LATELY updated: SENTENCE Statistics for 2001. history2001
December 29, 2001: LATELY updated: Both In Its Six-Fingered Grip. December 15, 2001: LATELY updated: A Terrible Thing, To See Something Different. December 8, 2001: LATELY updated: I Look At It Sometimes; SENTENCE FAQ added. December 1, 2001: LATELY Updated: The Front Of Winter Has Not Been Kind To Us. November 30, 2001: Added review for Hedary's Lebanese Oven & Grill to DALLAS RESTAURANTS. November 24, 2001: LATELY updated: And It Would All Be Free. [blind] webring removed from SENTENCE Photographs (webring has closed down). November 18, 2001: Two new reviews added to DALLAS RESTAURANT REVIEWS: Cafe Highland Park (Fair) and Cafe de France (Between Fair and Good). November 17, 2001: LATELY updated: Like Talking To Snails. November 10, 2001: LATELY updated: Silent Except for the Sound of Me Taking Off My Jacket. November 3, 2001: LATELY updated: Do They Not Know What's Beneath The Clothes? October 27, 2001: LATELY updated: "He May Not Remember This Conversation Afterwards". October 20, 2001: LATELY updated: Good-Bye to the Boy in the Bones of my Face. October 13, 2001: LATELY updated: Cleavable; "Dead Bug" and "Preying Mantis" added to SENTENCE Photographs Series III. October 6, 2001: LATELY updated: The Surgeon's Scalpel is a Slow Bullet. October 5, 2001: "Amputee", "Look What I Just Found!" and "Friday Night" added to SENTENCE PHOTOGRAPHS, Series II. September 29, 2001: LATELY updated: "Aram deet, hissa accat!". Dallas Restaurant Reviews added. September 22, 2002: LATELY updated: Nothing But Blue Skies September 20, 2001: Ann McGillis' rewrite added to KING FOR A DAY. September 15, 2001: LATELY updated: "The Orphan, the Widow, and the Slain of America"; "Spider Lillies" added to SENTENCE Photographs, Series II. September 8, 2001: LATELY updated: Loud, Wet Intimacy September 1, 2001: LATELY updated: So There I Was August 25, 2001: LATELY updated: The Loneliest Sound in the World. August 18, 2001: LATELY updated: "That's What It's All About"; Mark Knight's KING FOR A DAY contribution added. August 4, 2001: LATELY updated: No Place Like It. August 3, 2001: LINKS-HORROR updated. July 28, 2001: LATELY updated: Do Insects Go To Heaven? July 21, 2001: LATELY updated: Small, Square Holes in the White Texturized Ceiling. First LATELY entry in new policy of including a photograph with each entry. Link added to Joe Flash page. July 14, 2001: LATELY updated: Bad Luck Arrives on the Wings of Houseflies. July 7, 2001: LATELY updated: The Lady and the Periodontist. LATELY 1998 reconfigured so that each entry has a separate HTML page, and a separate "print friendly" page. June 30, 2001: LATELY updated: These Things Matter; SENTENCE Site Map updated. June 29, 2001: Visibility posted; Big Inches restored to the site; LATELY 1999 reconfigured so that each entry has a separate HTML page, and a separate "print friendly" page. June 23, 2001: LATELY updated: Stopping for Lunch on the Way to Heaven. June 18, 2001: LATELY 2000 reconfigured so that each entry has a separate HTML page, and a separate "print friendly" page. June 16, 2001: LATELY updated: My First Flash Movie; flash movie added to SENTENCE Flash. June 9, 2001: LATELY updated: Swelling Red Bumps June 3, 2001: LATELY updated: Vacation June 2, 2001: The Path Not Chosen, But Still There added to SENTENCE Photographs Series I; Temporary 3, Root and Shadows added to Series II; the series themselves slightly reconfigured. May 31, 2001: LATELY 2001 reconfigured so that each entry has a separate HTML page, and a separate "print friendly" page. May 27, 2001: LATELY updated: SENTENCE Start; SENTENCE Start added. May 19, 2001: LATELY updated: Novel Finished. May 12, 2001: LATELY updated: Jury Duty; Sunlight added to SENTENCE Photographs, Series I; Tongue, Eyes and Butterfly added to SENTENCE Photographs, Series IV. May 5, 2001: LATELY updated: Restaurants. April 28, 2001: LATELY updated: It Stays in the Ground; Prison Area added to SENTENCE Photographs, Series I. April 21, 2001: LATELY updated: The 'N' word. April 14, 2001: New LATELY entry, on missed photography opportunities. April 12, 2001: "As Children Bicycle Home From School", "Temporary 1", and "Temporary 2" added to SENTENCE Photographs, Series I. April 7, 2001: New LATELY entry, on early morning photo-taking. April 5, 2001: THE SEX ACT reviewed in Jane's Guide; excerpts from the review included on THE SEX ACT page. March 31, 2001: New LATELY entry, on autographs. March 28, 2001: Decided to combine WHAT AM I DOING? and LATELY entries under LATELY. March 24, 2001: Photograph "Dave" added to SENTENCE Photographs, Series II; LATELY updated; two recent (March, 2001) author photographs added, to WELCOME TO ME and LINKS - OTHER RALPH ROBERT MOORE RELATED SITES. March 17, 2001: Posted an additional photograph, Winter, Meet Spring, to Series I; posted a new essay, Mars; updated WHAT AM I DOING?; created a new page, WHAT WAS I DOING?, to archive past entries. March 10, 2001: Series III started with one photograph; WHAT AM I DOING? updated. March 9, 2001: Three more photographs added to Series I. March 7, 2001: Two new photographs added to Series I. March 3, 2001: First 5 photographs added to SERIES I; First 4 photographs added to SERIES II; LATELY updated. February 24, 2001: WHAT AM I DOING? updated. February 22, 2001: Jon Best's earliest memory added to MY EARLIEST MEMORY. February 9, 2001: Review added to THE ESSAYS; WHAT AM I DOING? updated. January 27, 2001: Hawk Alfredson graphic added to PUBLISHING NEWS, James Lyons graphic added to THANKS AND CREDITS. January 6, 2001: LATELY and WHAT AM I DOING? updated; left table navigational links rearranged; visited links color changed to grey; GALLERY section added, for Photographs, Videos, and Flash; Elio Copetti graphic added to SENTENCE CHAT ROOM. history2000
November 30, 2000: LATELY updated. November 24, 2000: LATELY updated; Clocks added to THE ESSAYS. November 18, 2000: All the LATELY pages have been reformatted, to make them more readable on-line, and to provide a "print-friendly" version. November 11, 2000: What Am I Doing? updated; LINKS - WRITING updated, adding additional links, including two sites that discuss copyright law in 'real world' terms; all the POEMS pages reformatted, to make them more readable on-line, and to provide a "print-friendly" version. November 4, 2000: What Am I Doing? updated; Friends Before Food reformatted to improve readability, with "print-friendly" versions added. October 27, 2000: Lately updated, and all the Tiny Texts reformatted to improve readabilty, with "print-friendly" versions added, and some of the texts rewritten. October 7, 2000: Four new Tiny Texts added; the texts for Kid reformatted to increase readability on-line, with print-friendly versions of each story added, and background information on each excerpt given. September 30, 2000: The texts for the final five excerpts from FATHER FIGURE reformatted to increase readability on-line, with print-friendly versions of each story added, and background information on each excerpt given. New artwork by Hamid Asim, Kenny Chan, Laurie Lipton and Josh Presseisen added. WHAT AM I DOING? updated. September 23, 2000: First section of part one of my autobiography, Volume One: The Crib Years, added September 16, 2000: The texts for ALWAYS AGAIN and the first four excerpts from FATHER FIGURE reformatted to increase readability on-line, with print-friendly versions of each story added, and background information on each excerpt given. September 9, 2000: The texts for RECORDED OCCURRENCES and DRIFT reformatted to increase readability on-line, with print-friendly versions of each story added, and background information on each story given. September 3, 2000: The texts on THE RECENT STORIES reformatted to increase readability on-line, with print-friendly versions of each story added, and background information on each story given. New LATELY added. Jenny Armstrong's rewrite added to EVERY MAN A KING. August 26, 2000: The texts on THE SEX ACT reformatted to increase readability on-line, with print-friendly versions of each story added, and background information on each story given. Index to SENTENCE reformatted with a cleaner look. Jenny Armstrong's earliest memory added to MY EARLIEST MEMORY. August 19, 2000: The texts on EARLY STORIES reformatted to increase readability on-line, with print-friendly versions of each story added, and background information on each story given. August 12, 2000: All the essays reformatted to improve readability on-line, with print-friendly versions of each essay added, and background information on each essay given. August 5, 2000: Three new TINY TEXTS added; LATELY and WHAT AM I DOING? updated. July 3, 2000: Jennifer Dillon's and E. McDonald's earliest memories added to MY EARLIEST MEMORY. June 30, 2000: 'dreams' added to ESSAYS. June 24, 2000: LATELY and WHAT AM I DOING? updated. June 3, 2000: 'god' added to ESSAYS; Adam and Eve video clip added to home page. May 27, 2000: more TINY TEXTS added. May 20, 2000: PUBLISHING NEWS added; LATELY and WHAT AM I DOING? updated. May 4, 2000: 'words' added to ESSAYS April 8, 2000: Tiny Texts added as separate section, with author photo. March 25, 2000: Tiny Texts added to POEMS. February 13, 2000: LATELY updated. February 5, 2000: EVERY CHILD A BARKER added.
January 8, 2000: LATELY updated. history1999
December 30, 1999: Various tiny texts hidden like eggs around SENTENCE. December 26, 1999: Reformatting of SENTENCE to add tables completed. December 18, 1999: SENTENCE Privacy and Advertising Policy added. December 17, 1999: Phil Allen's rewrite added to EVERY MAN A KING; Index page edited. December 3, 1999: LATELY updated. November 19 - November 24, 1999: Continued reformatting all the pages, adding tables; added THE ESSAYS (November 23). November 13, 1999: Added SENTENCE Chat Room; continued reformatting pages. November 6, 1999: Started reformatting all the pages, beginning with LINKS, adding tables. October 23, 1999: LINKS-HORROR SITES updated; Daniel Moscufo's PONG game added. October 16, 1999: Posted When The Big One Thaws to RECENT STORIES; updated LATELY; created a separate page for the SENTENCE Search Engine. October 15, 1999: Joined Erotica Psychotica and Poetry Cafe webrings. October 9, 1999: New graphic and background added to DRIFT; Dark Tales webring added. October 2, 1999: RECORDED OCCURRENCES and DRIFT pages redone; Blue Rose webring added to THE POEMS. September 18, 1999: LATELY updated. September 4, 1999: Red Boat added to EARLY STORIES. Two rewrites added to EVERY MAN A KING earlier this past fortnight. August 13, 1999: LATELY updated. August 8, 1999: K. Stampfl's rewrite added to EVERY WOMAN A KOONTZ. July 24, 1999: Added EVERY WOMAN A KOONTZ to the site. July 18, 1999: SENTENCE Index and WHAT AM I DOING? added to Home. July 10, 1999: MY EARLIEST MEMORY added to Home; LATELY updated July 5, 1999: Zombie Betrayal added to RECENT STORIES June 26, 1999: Jon Treliving's rewrite added to EVERY MAN A KING June 12, 1999: Author photographs added to THE SEX ACT, FRIENDS BEFORE FOOD, WELCOME TO ME, HISTORY, THANKS AND CREDITS, LATELY. June 5, 1999: Index page converted to tables May 22, 1999: Daddy's Glad Hands added to THE SEX ACT May 15, 1999: LATELY updated; internal links reconfigured; three poems added to THE POEMS May 4, 1999: SENTENCE Search Engine added April 30, 1999: "Fear" added to THE POEMS April 16, 1999: Thomas Clayton's Brain Test added to the home page April 9, 1999: "cat head" added to DRIFT April 2, 1999: Kevin Fanning's rewrite added to EVERY MAN A KING March 27, 1999: Lately updated. March 22, 1999: "the bear" added to RECORDED OCCURRENCES March 18, 1999: "rump-a-thump" added to RECORDED OCCURRENCES March 13, 1999: M. Thompson's rewrite added to EVERY MAN A KING; Added Eyes to THE POEMS. March 6, 1999: Webrings added. February 20, 1999: RECORDED OCCURRENCES and DRIFT front pages added. February 13, 1999: Frames version of SENTENCE created. February 6, 1999: Lately updated; LINKS transferred and updated.
January 29, 1999: Transfer to new domain continues. January 2, 1999 (LATELY updated) history1998
December 18, 1998 (Teriyaki Chicken added to FRIENDS BEFORE FOOD) December 4, 1998 (4 new poems added to THE POEMS; Authors of Erotica webring added to THE SHORT STORIES, THE SEX ACT) November 29, 1998 (Welcome updated; Original Writing Webring added to THE SHORT STORIES) November 6, 1998 (Title and graphic made one on the main page; Welcome added to the main page) October 30, 1998 (THE POEMS added) October 12, 1998 (Whispers of Eros webring added to THE SEX ACT) October 3, 1998 (Wrapped Thighs added to FRIENDS BEFORE FOOD) October 2, 1998 (Author audios added to ALWAYS AGAIN, FATHER FIGURE, KID) September 26, 1998 (Mary's Baked Ziti added to FRIENDS BEFORE FOOD) September 12, 1998 (alternate text added to image-only pages) September 11, 1998 (updated AUTHORS-LINKS) September 5, 1998 (SENTENCE poll added to Home page) September 4, 1998 (Two Steve Bennett animated gifs added, to THANKS AND CREDITS and HISTORY) August 28, 1998 (new guestbook added to allow visitors to leave direct links to their own sites) August 21, 1998 (Egon Schiele painting added to THE NOVELS, ALWAYS AGAIN Updated August 20, 1998 (Laundry by Frank Galuszka added to LINKS-MUSIC) Updated August 15, 1998 (Each STORIES page separated into an image page and text page; coding added to allow text-only browsing of STORIES pages. Updated August 14, 1998. (SENTENCE Chat Room added). Updated August 1, 1998 (Each LINKS page separated into an image page and text page; coding added to allow text-only browsing of LINKS pages; illustration added to OTHER RALPH ROBERT MOORE links) Updated July 25, 1998 (Backgrounds added to LINKS pages) Updated July 18, 1998 (Background added to DREAD; animated gifs added to EVERY MAN A KING and LINKS-MISCELLANEOUS) Updated July 4, 1998 (Blue ribbon banner for noncensorship of the Internet added to the HOME PAGE; GRINDERS added to FRIENDS BEFORE FOOD) Updated July 2, 1998 (Graphic added to OTHER SITES OF INTEREST, HORROR) Updated June 20, 1998 (EVERY MAN A KING added) Updated June 13, 1998 (THANKS AND CREDITS updated) Updated June 6, 1998 (Image and intro added to WORDS WALKING NUDE) Updated June 5, 1998 (WORDS WALKING NUDE added) Updated May 28, 1998 (Beaten Up By Girls added to THE SHORT STORIES, THE SEX ACT. Graphics added to LINKS: ARTWORK, MUSIC and MOVIES) Updated May 24, 1998 (Vacation Dip added to FRIENDS BEFORE FOOD) Updated May 23, 1998 (Fonts and formats standardized) Updated May 16, 1998 (Graphic moved from LINKS-AUTHORS to LINKS-WRITING SITES; graphics added to LINKS-AUTHORS and LINKS-TELEVISION) Updated May 9, 1998 (Index added to WELCOME TO ME) Updated May 2, 1998 (Graphic added to LINKS-AUTHORS; Sloppy Pierres added to FRIENDS BEFORE FOOD). Updated May 1, 1998 (LINKS restructured so each link category has its own separate page). Updated April 24, 1998 (More LINKS added). Updated April 12, 1998 ("The Birds Wake Up The Monkeys" added to EXCERPTS FROM THE NOVELS, ALWAYS AGAIN; Author photograph added to FRIENDS BEFORE FOOD). Updated April 10, 1998 (Author photograph and introduction added to WELCOME TO ME; graphic added to EXCERPTS FROM THE NOVELS, ALWAYS AGAIN). Updated April 9, 1998 (Order of the Dark Rose webring added). Updated April 4, 1998 (LINKS updated. ALWAYS AGAIN intro added to EXCERPTS FROM THE NOVELS) Updated April 3, 1998 (statement of purpose added, HOME PAGE). Updated March 28, 1998 (REUBENS added to FRIENDS BEFORE FOOD). Updated March 16, 1998 (Writer's Realm, Circle of Horror and Wheel of Sorrows webrings added). Updated March 14, 1998 ("Pizza Party" added to THE NOVELS, KID. LINKS updated. THANKS AND CREDITS updated). Updated March 13, 1998 (Graphics added to DREAD and EXCERPTS FROM THE NOVELS; introduction added to EXCERPTS FROM THE NOVELS). Updated March 10, 1998 (Graphic added to THE SHORT STORIES, THE EARLY STORIES). Updated March 7, 1998 (Graphic and introduction added to THE SHORT STORIES; DREAD added). Updated March 6, 1998 (WHEN YOU SURFACED and THE RAPE added to THE SHORT STORIES, THE SEX ACT). Updated February 27, 1998 (LINKS edited, and Television and Miscellaneous added). Updated February 22, 1998 (THANKS AND CREDITS and SEX ON SHEETS added). |